
如何用 pandas.dataframe.to_sql 将资料写入 PostgreSQL

· 2 分钟阅读
Eric Cheng

如何用 Python 连结 PostgreSQL

先附上我之前怎么用 python 连结 postgresql 的 原始码,程式很容易理解,原则上要先安装 psycopg2 这个 library,就能成功 select 到 test 这个 table 的资料

import psycopg2

# 测试连线 PostgreSQL
database = "havocfuture"
dbUser = "havocfuture"
dbPwd = "xxxxxxxx"

conn = psycopg2.connect(database=database, user=dbUser, password=dbPwd, host="", port="5432")
print("opened database successfully")

# select资料
cur = conn.cursor()
cur.execute("select * from test")
rows = cur.fetchall()
for row in rows:
print ("row0:", row[0])
print ("row1:", row[1])
print("select data done successfully")

# close connection

如何在 pandas.dataframe.to_sql 写入 PostgreSQL

pandas.dataframe 的 to_sql 是很好用的 function,但是在 postgresql 却不能用,测试程式如下

from FinMind.data import DataLoader
import pandas as pd
import psycopg2

# 取得 dataframe 资料
api = DataLoader()
df = api.taiwan_stock_info()

# 测试连线 PostgreSQL
database = "havocfuture"
dbUser = "havocfuture"
dbPwd = "xxxxxxxx"

conn = psycopg2.connect(database=database, user=dbUser, password=dbPwd, host="", port="5432")
print("opened database successfully")
df.to_sql('taiwan_stock_info', conn)
print("insert data successfully")



DatabaseError: Execution failed on sql 'SELECT name FROM sqlite_master WHERE type='table' AND name=?;': relation "sqlite_master" does not exist
LINE 1: SELECT name FROM sqlite_master WHERE type='table' AND name=?...

查了一下才发现 pandas.dataframe.to_sql 不支援 PostgreSQL,只支援 MySQL 和 SQLite,如果要在 PostgreSQL 使用要把 psycopg2 换成 sqlalchemy,修改后程式码如下

from FinMind.data import DataLoader
import pandas as pd
from sqlalchemy import create_engine

# 取得 dataframe 资料
api = DataLoader()
df = api.taiwan_stock_info()

# 测试连线 PostgreSQL
database = "havocfuture"
dbUser = "havocfuture"
dbPwd = "xxxxxxxx"

engine = create_engine('postgresql://'+ dbUser +':'+ dbPwd +'@localhost:5432/' + database)
print("opened database successfully")
df.to_sql('taiwan_stock_info', engine)
print("insert data successfully")


成功将资料写入 DB,问题解决


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